Talax is a proud nation led by a just and honourable immortal queen. Queen Karla Raeger and her allies ensure that no innocent is unjustly imprisoned, forced into slavery or made to suffer at the whims of madmen and tyrants . Talax is wealthy and prosperous, a powerful army stands at the ready and the worlds most powerful navy patrols the Cold Ocean, The North and South Seas.

The Queen ensures her military forces are always ready, as little warning is given when the latest dark lord or chaos sorcerer seeks to plunge the world into darkness or chaos. The most dangerous is the Lord of the Dead, Arkarzan , his constant attempts to destroy the living world is Talax's greatest threat. The formation of the Grand Alliance is key to keeping the world safe.

While the majority of Talax is in a state of peace, there is a lingering threat that even the might of the military and the Queen cant eradicate entirely. Pockets of the kingdom are cursed with foul dark energy, which constantly spawns undead creatures when creatures die in those areas.


Goverment: Monarchy

A monarchy is a form of government in which the right to rule is absolute until death or abdication, at which point the right is inherited by a predetermined other.

     Queen Karla Raeger (Enhanced Human

A normal human that has undergone a transformation by powerful magic or divine intervention.

The transformation causes vast improvements to the characters physical and mental characteristics.

Should the enhanced individual have children after the change then their children will also be enhanced

 Lord of War

Lord of War

The title of Lord of War belongs to Karla Raeger and her alone.

With battlefield control beyond all others this character, even when in command of an entire army will wade into the fight, lead from the front and assault the enemy.

Often they seek out the enemy commanders to debilitate the opposing command structure, many an enemy leader has made the mistake of meeting them in one on one combat.

A Lord of War retains all the abilties from the prerequistie classes;
           › Leader

           › Commander


Lord of War Manoeuvres: Mass CommandBattlefield PresenceInspire AlliesSeize the Initiative

Leader Manoeuvres: CommandTauntCalled ShotCalled Strike

Commander Manoeuvres: Battlefield PresenceInspire AlliesSeize the Initiative

Lord of War Skills: NegotiateCompelCalled StrikeAuthoritativeWeapon Care

Lord of War Profiencies: Master of all weapons and armours.

     Princess Xvania Raeger (Enhanced Human

A normal human that has undergone a transformation by powerful magic or divine intervention.

The transformation causes vast improvements to the characters physical and mental characteristics.

Should the enhanced individual have children after the change then their children will also be enhanced



A privateer that excels as the seafaring warfare and combat, able to become leaders amongst others of their kind, often captains of their own vessels.

Likely to spend the vast majority of their time at sea, so much so that time on land is alien to them.

A Privateer may become a Buccaneer when they become a Champion


Buccaneer Manoeuvres: CommandParryCalled ShotCalled Strike

Privateer Manoeuvres: Spring AttackAcrobaticsSudden ThrustTumble

Buccaneer Skills: NegotiateIntimidateAwarenessBalancedWeapon Care

Buccaneer Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon one handed melee weapons, and all light armours.

     Prince Jozin Raeger (Enhanced Human

A normal human that has undergone a transformation by powerful magic or divine intervention.

The transformation causes vast improvements to the characters physical and mental characteristics.

Should the enhanced individual have children after the change then their children will also be enhanced

 Battle Master

Battle Master

While a commander will never lose their commanding skills, sometimes they put them aside to pursue a more direct approach.

A leader was always trained well but a Battle Master takes this to another level, while still able to utilise some control of their allies.

A Leader may become a Battle Master when they become a Champion


Battle Master Manoeuvres: DuelPerfect ParryHeavy StrikeDisarm

Leader Manoeuvres: CommandTauntCalled ShotCalled Strike

Battle Master Skills: StrongIntimidateNegotiateCompelWeapon Care

Battle Master Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon melee weapons, all shields and all armours.

Established: circa 4500 years ago


Philosophy: Loyalism

Aggressive but with values, will only go to war to provide a better world for either their own nation, or to liberate another.

Will seek alliances with larger nations for security, smaller nations to protect them.

Alliances:Alantor (Embassy: Berkit)
Mekis (Embassy: Albrunz)
Nazakir (Embassy: Telaris)
Razell (Embassy: Duanburg)


Capital City: Asifamel
Regions: Mell, Kis, Sto, Kar
Geography: 40% Farmland, 40% forest, 10% Mountains.
Landmarks: The Talaxion Palace

Built for Gwanhail Hoardrin, by the people of Talax for Gwanhail to take residence within after her coronation. It has been extended each time a new monarch took the throne, but each time it has kept true to its original style.

Location: Stonanne
Built (Alliance Year): -1369
The Raeger Library

Built by Karla Raeger during the rebuild of Talax West, it boasts the largest collection of books, tapestries and maps in Terrainia.

Location: Asifamel
Built (Alliance Year): 2
Elven Cairn Stones

A historic site protected by the people of Talax, though they do not know what they signify.

Clerics of Talax find a deeper connecting to their deities while within the ring of stones.

Location: To the west of Mint Mountains, North Talax.
Built (Alliance Year): Pre Talax
The Mines of Madness

Originally explored and excavated by the barbarians of Talax, what they thought was precious metals was in facts a harmful substance that turned them mad.

Now entry is forbidden, a constant watch is stationed nearby to stop anyone from from gathering this material again.

Location: To the east of Mint Mountains, along the East River
Built (Alliance Year): -1350
Climate: Temperate


Primary deity:Rayis (The Golden Flame)
High Priest:Louis Paggil (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.



The most devout priests will eventually become Theurgists, able to command greater divine power to heal more serious wounds, pluck their allies from death and protect them to a greater degree.

They will take up seat as head of local churches or temples, communicating and working with the greater network of their fellows.

A Priest may become a Theurgist when they become a Champion


Theurgist Spells: Healing WaveDivine StrikeBarrier of ProtectionCircle of Life

Theurgist Skills: Ritual: ExorciseRitual: ResurrectionRitual: FealtyDetect: UndeadDetect: Magic

Theurgist Profiencies: Expert spellcaster of divine magic. Proficient with all common melee weapons and all armours.

Theurgist Spell Casting: Spells require a holy symbol and verbal commands.

Secondry deities: Victirus, Mathandria, Elfinihiar
Prohibited deities: Katrinix, Nazzikor, Abixlion


Population by Race: Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.

[ Approx: 12,600,000 ]

Half Elf

An offspring of an Elf and a Human.

A blend of the two species, resulting in a shorter lived, more adaptable elf.

[ Approx: 7,000,000 ]


The original creation of Elfinihiar, the Elves that colonised the world in another age, now confined to Dasima.

Immortal and pretentious, the elves were first and they know it, master craftsmen, martial experts.

[ Approx: 700,000 ]


An ancestor of the first elves, wild elves chose to remain in the wider world when their creator called them home, sacrificing their immortality to do so.

With a deep connection to nature they live at one with the world, careful to make as little impact on the world as possible.

[ Approx: 700,000 ]


Creation of Mathanria, a more naturalised huamn, but shorter and much more intuned with nature than humans.

[ Approx: 140,000 ]


[ Approx: 5,000 ]

Population Total: 21,145,000

[ Approx ]

Spoken Languages: Common

The widely used language of Terrainia, although it varies a little, through dialect and accent, it remains interpretable by anyone with the most basic of understanding of it.

, Elvari

A language common amongst elves, recognised by most other races and can be learnt by anyone.

Typically referred to as elvish, but only amongst those who don\'t speak it.

Demonym: Talaxian

The people of Talax.

Laws and Justice: True Justice

The Laws of the land are fair and right, neither favouring the monarchy or the elite, those found to have broken any laws are put on trial by jury, although punishments are extreme.

Expected punishment for theft:

If proven by trial, will typically result in the loss of a finger or hand.

Magicial Law: Schooled

Magic is permited and through schooling, encouraged.

Main School: Various Sites
Architecture: Talax Architecture

Stone buildings, Rendered Walls, Angular Clean lines, Multiple stories, Tiled roofs, Arched and glazed windows, Columns, Blaclonies, Roof Terraces. Roads are paved, Underground sewage systems. Farms are fenced privately owned property.


State: Strong

A strong economy means high value goods are readily available, and wealthy induviduals often seek warriors for quests or for personal guard.

Taxation: Low & Fair

Taxation hits the rich more than the poor, and is managable for all

Minerals:Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Salt, Coal, Lead
Commodities:Cotton, Sheep, Wheat, Glass, Lumber
Main Exports:Cotton, Wool, Grain, Glass, Lead
Main Imports:Leather, Fur, Machine Parts, Tin
Trade Partners:Alantor, Nazakir, Mekis, Razell


Click for focused map, hover for preview.

Warfronts and Commanders

BlackmarshKatlin Scorsey (Nelothi

An ancestor of the first elves, wild elves chose to remain in the wider world when their creator called them home, sacrificing their immortality to do so.

With a deep connection to nature they live at one with the world, careful to make as little impact on the world as possible.



A commander who unlocks their magic will use their power to better control the battlefield, offer guidance and support their allies.

While they will also be able to rain some arcane energy on their enemies, their role still lies firmly embedded in battlefield command.

A Leader may become an Overseer when they become a Champion


Overseer Spells: Minor Elemental StrikeForesightBattlefield IllusionElemental Wall

Leader Spells: CommandTauntCalled ShotCalled Strike

Overseer Skills: Inscribe: TomeInscribe: ParchmentNegotiateCompelDetect: Magic

Overseer Profiencies: Proficient with all common and uncommon melee weapons and light armours, cannot use a shield. Proficient spellcaster of Elemental magic.

Overseer Spell Casting: Spells require hand gestures and verbal commands.

The Dead HoldBertrond Goldin (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.



A priest chosen by either their deity, or the organisation to become an Avenger puts aside their daily reverence to their diety and hones their martial skills before setting out on a quest for vengeance.

Their first quest is chosen for them, but once complete they will be too far along this path and will inevitably choose another wrong that needs to be avenged.

A Priest may become an Avenger when they become a Champion


Avenger Manoeuvres: TauntDivine LightDivine SmiteWard Evil

Avenger Skills: Detect: LiesDetect: EvilRitual: FealtyDetect: UndeadWeapon Care

Avenger Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon melee weapons and all armours. Proficient spellcaster of divine magic.

BroldRainier Deniau (Nelyani

The original creation of Elfinihiar, the Elves that colonised the world in another age, now confined to Dasima.

Immortal and pretentious, the elves were first and they know it, master craftsmen, martial experts.



A mage who has chosen to stop the academic practise in favour of martial adventure, using all their previous power to enhance their fitting skills.

Their weapon becomes their spellcasting method, in place of hand gestures and verbal commands the weapons movements trigger the Spellblade's magic.

A Mage may become a Spellblade when they become a Champion


Spellblade Manoeuvres: Arcane SlashArcane BladePerfect ParryPrefect Riposte

Spellblade Skills: Infuse: WeaponInfuse: SelfInscribe: TomeInscribe: ParchmentWeapon Care

Spellblade Profiencies: Proficient with all common and uncommon melee weapons, all shields, cannot wear armour. Proficient spellcaster of arcane magic.


Military Forces

Infantry:Men At Arms

Men At Arms




Human or Elf










Gladius or


Trained for two years in all forms of combat, each man at arms can wield a Gladius and shield or a longbow, often they carry both.

[ Approx: 400,000 ]

Infantry:Dragon Guard

Dragon Guard




Human or Elf












Only the best of the Talax regiments get inducted into the Guard, each must not only be a formidable warrior but possess a strength of will to endure any mental attack.

[ Approx: 2,000 ]

Cavalry:Light Cavalry

Light Cavalry




Human or Elf










Gladius & Spear


After serving as a man at arms for at least one year, these soldiers will get trained to fight on horseback, once they master the horse and spear, they are placed in a cavalry regiment.

[ Approx: 40,000 ]

Cavalry:Dragon Knights

Dragon Knights




Human or Elf




Heavy Horse





Lance & Gladius


Only the best of the Talax cavalry regiments get inducted into the Guard, each must not only be a formidable warrior but possess a strength of will to endure any mental attack.

[ Approx: 5,000 ]






Built on site




Huge Rocks

Requires a whole squad of soldiers and serfs to operate.

[ Approx: 2,000 ]










Steel Bolts

Wooden construction which requires two soldiers to operate.

[ Approx: 3,500 ]

Unique Unit:Knights Asari

Knights Asari




Human or Elf









Lance & Gladius


The most pious of champions from the armies of Talax can inducted into this unit and granted the power to summon a celestial in the formed of a winged lion (Leo-Asari)

[ Approx: 500 ]

Talax Navy

Ship Class:Talax Interceptor Armed with a light ram and wither a scorpian or Ballista these ships are fast and angile

[ Approx: 200 ]

Ship Class:Talaxian Sprinter

[ Approx: 200 ]

Ship Class:Talaxian Accoster The Accoster is designed to act in concert with other ships of the same class, outranging most other navies? vessels and often just sitting lengthwise of the port to make full use of its immense bulk before closing on weaker vessels to seize contraband being smuggled in or out.

[ Approx: 100 ]

Ship Class:Talaxian Corvette

[ Approx: 100 ]

Ship Class:Talaxian Phoenix The Phoenix is a prototype ship designed by the eccentric shipwright Tamuric of Jelles. A man who has spent years as both sorcerer and cleric who decided to combine his three muses into an ?image of perfection?. The ship is itself a symbol of the land of Talax, whilst the fire element is part of Rayis? attributes, and the reliance on the arcane his love of magic.

[ Approx: 1 ]

Flagship:Talaxian Dragoon Designed by the ship builders of Talax; The Dragoon is a heavy warship armed with swivel mounted balistas and twin deck mounted catpults. One of its key features is an increased height for the rear deck to aid the ships mage during battle.

Characters of Renown

Admiral Talin (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.



The title of Timekeeper belongs to Talinivshasea and him alone.

Wielding the Chronotron Staff, this character has unlocked near omnipotent power over time itself, with such power came an awakening of the mind, a realisation that there are those that seek to change history and as such they have tasked themselves with the charge of keeping it all as it should be.

A Timekeeper retains all the abilties from the prerequistie classes;
           › Mage

           › Archmage


Timekeeper Spells: Time ShuntRewindTemporal TrespassWarp Reality

Archmage Spells: Arcane BombardmentMajor IllusionSleep

Timekeeper Skills: Inscribe: TomeInscribe: ParchmentArcane BarrierTeleportDetect: Magic

Timekeeper Profiencies: Master spellcaster of arcane magic. Master spellcaster of time magic.

Timekeeper Spell Casting: Spells require hand gestures and verbal commands.

- Admiral of the Talax Defence Fleet
Gelen Hoardrin (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.



A warrior that focus his fighting technique to feature a shield as core component.

Able to use it to defend and attack, the enemy are often caught off guard with a sudden shield bash sends them flying.

The other hand must use a shield friendly weapon, a sword or axe is the best choice, as it allows for various shield pair attack and defence technique.

A Warrior may become a Knight when they become a Champion


Knight Manoeuvres: Shield BashCounter AttackParryThrow

Warrior Manoeuvres: TauntDuelHeavy StrikeDisarm

Knight Skills: Slight of HandAwarenessMedicLinchpinWeapon Care

Knight Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon one handed weapons, medium and heavy armour.

- Captain of Talax West 1st Company
Louis Himilton (Nelothi

An ancestor of the first elves, wild elves chose to remain in the wider world when their creator called them home, sacrificing their immortality to do so.

With a deep connection to nature they live at one with the world, careful to make as little impact on the world as possible.



The most devout priests will eventually become Theurgists, able to command greater divine power to heal more serious wounds, pluck their allies from death and protect them to a greater degree.

They will take up seat as head of local churches or temples, communicating and working with the greater network of their fellows.

A Priest may become a Theurgist when they become a Champion


Theurgist Spells: Healing WaveDivine StrikeBarrier of ProtectionCircle of Life

Theurgist Skills: Ritual: ExorciseRitual: ResurrectionRitual: FealtyDetect: UndeadDetect: Magic

Theurgist Profiencies: Expert spellcaster of divine magic. Proficient with all common melee weapons and all armours.

Theurgist Spell Casting: Spells require a holy symbol and verbal commands.

- Commander of the Deathwatch
Maller Harker (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.



A master of battlefield control, able to command everything from a small strike force to entire armies.

Able to see the intricacies of each and every decision, the variable outcomes and the course of action best suited to the end goal.

A Leader may become a Commander when they become a Champion


Commander Manoeuvres: Mass CommandBattlefield PresenceInspire AlliesSeize the Initiative

Leader Manoeuvres: CommandTauntCalled ShotCalled Strike

Commander Skills: AuthoritativeTactical KnowledgeNegotiateCompelWeapon Care

Commander Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon melee weapons, all shields and all armours.

- Governor of Razell and a Captain of Talax
Charles Ocrin (Nelothi

An ancestor of the first elves, wild elves chose to remain in the wider world when their creator called them home, sacrificing their immortality to do so.

With a deep connection to nature they live at one with the world, careful to make as little impact on the world as possible.

 Mystic Blade

Mystic Blade

If a warrior unlocks some arcane power they will naturally use it to enhance their fighting skills, they become quicker and able to charge their blade with arcane energy which discharge upon contact with the enemy or thrust it forward to hurl the energy forward.

A Warrior may become a Mystic Blade when they become a Champion


Mystic Blade Manoeuvres: Charged BladeArcane SlashQuickenArcane Missile

Warrior Manoeuvres: TauntDuelHeavy StrikeDisarm

Mystic Blade Skills: Detect: MagicAwarenessMedicLinchpinWeapon Care

Mystic Blade Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon blades, medium and light armour.

- Everwatch Captain

Characters of Infamy

Arkarzan (Liche

Any mortal race can become a liche, all they need is a mastery of necromancy, a unwaiverying desire to survive.

A liche is functionally immortal, despite being dead already. While the body long decayed the liche will still walk the world, looking for absoulte mastery of knowledge.

 Master of Death

Master of Death

The title of Master of Death belongs to Arkarzan and him alone.

While a necromancer can raise the dead, and an occultists can seemingly raise whole armies, they both require time spent performing the ritual on each individual corpse.

A Master of Death however can raise dozens of the dead through one ritual, or raise a recently dead with just a gesture.

This allows them to raise the very soldiers they kill upon the battlefield.

A Master of Death retains all the abilties from the prerequistie classes;
           › Necromancer

           › Occultist


Master of Death Spells: Summon LegionGrip of DeathNecrotic PulseDoomsday

Occultist Spells: Mass Drain EssenceNecrotic TouchCircle of Death

Master of Death Skills: Ritual: Raise the DeadDetect: LifeSummon SpectreDominion over the DeadDetect: Magic

Master of Death Profiencies: Master spellcaster of Death magic.

Master of Death Spell Casting: Spells require hand gestures and verbal commands. To foretell the future a deep meditative state is required.

- Lord of the Dead
The Frozen Horror (Deadfrost

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





An abomination of elemental and mortal, made worse by the fact that both are dead. The latent elemental energy is bound to the mortal corpse, then infused with the energy of Infernis, in a way only possible by the deity; Nazzikor.

Once created these creatures are sent to the Material Plane for one of two reasons. Some are sent individually to cause mayhem and destruction, some however are sent to aid a new undead master as they seek to destroy the mortal races.

A single Deadfrost is an almost unstoppable force, a pack of them will level a town in minutes, capable of slaying entire companies of unprepared soldiers.


8ft tall meld of humanoid flesh from multiple donors, melded with the frozen core of a dead elemental. The outer flesh layer is frozen solid, shards of ice protrude all over and it often carries a frozen blade or hammer.

Built (Alliance Year):
- A recurring Deadfrost that refuses to stay dead.
Ferik The Zombie King (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.

 Death Priest

Death Priest

A necromancer can turn their power to aid the living, although still feared by the citizens of most kingdoms, when times are desperate they will seek out the outcast death priest.

When sought out to join an adventuring group or conscripted by military they will put these fears aside for the skills it brings.

A Necromancer may become a Death Priest when they become a Champion


Death Priest Spells: Death WardEssence CageNecrotic HealLife Transference

Death Priest Skills: Dead FleshRitual: ResurrectionRitual: Raise the DeadDetect: LifeDetect: Magic

Death Priest Profiencies: Expert spellcaster of death magic. Proficient with a staff.

Death Priest Spell Casting: Spells require physical components which are consumed in the process.

- A dying necromancer seeking to prolong his life through experimentation.
Commander Blackstone (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.



A warrior that sacrifices the defensive capabilities of a shield to wield another blade, the pair of weapons need to be balanced, with the heavier item in the dominant hand, without a shield they focus on parrying than blocking.

A preference to take on one enemy at a time remains prevalent.

A Warrior may become a Blademaster when they become a Champion


Blademaster Manoeuvres: Twin StrikePerfect ParryPrefect RiposteDistraction

Warrior Manoeuvres: TauntDuelHeavy StrikeDisarm

Blademaster Skills: Slight of HandAwarenessMedicLinchpinWeapon Care

Blademaster Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon blades, medium and light armour.

- The ruthless tyrant king of Blackmarsh.

Wild Animals


Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




A primitive humanoid creature, varied in size, shape and agility, the smaller they are the more agile they are. Each is stronger than the average human even the smaller ones. Covered in fur of various colours even orange.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Size varies by species. Resilient and strong, regardless of size, will attack anything that gets close.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Species dependant on locality. Most often found alone as they forage for food. Small to medium in size, thick wiry fur and large tusks, will attack if startled, but otherwise not aggressive.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Hulking creatures, slow and purposeful. A long and flexible trunck extends downward from its face, able to manipulate it like a limb, gripping and moving things about.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




A diverse range of carnivorous small animals, with distinct features they seam unrelated. Grouped together due to the similarities, sharp teeth, fury, long bodies, short heads and a bad temper.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Species dependant on locality. Most often alone, but a fearsome foe nonetheless. These wild animals are able to move about unheard and often unseen. Includes; Lions, Tigers, Jaguars and Leopards.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Snakes of a certain size can become deadly predators of even the most aware humanoids if caught alone. These large snakes wont seek out their next meal, they will sit, and wait, for as long as it takes.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Single or a pack. Wolves are dangerous foe to encounter if unprepared. They never attack if outnumbered, often led by a more savage Alpha Wolf. Slightly smaller than a human, grey fur, sharp teeth, keen senses.



The Undead Zombies

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Most often a dead humanoid, brought back to life with dark energies. The decayed flesh hangs from the body, open wounds and sores do not bother them and the shamble towards the nearest living person, to feast on their living flesh.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Long dead humanoid, resurrected using dark power, the flesh long gone, often wielding the weapons they had in life. Capable of following the orders of their master, but if left un attended they will attack whomever they can.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




A dead humanoid now walking the earth to consume the flesh of the living, often seen in large groups, a danger to unprotected communities.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




A wight is created when an evil humanoid is killed at the hands of another. The sheer will power of the evil individual prevents them from becoming a mere zombie and instead they become a wight, un undead creature filled with malice and dark intent.


Criminals Bandits

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Individuals or gangs, laying in wait on the roads of the region. Using surprise and numbers to their advantage, these will often appear to be more formidable than they are. Often their target will hand over their gold to save their lives.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Often disguised as merchants or peasants, these specialise in getting illegal goods to or from a prohibition area. They wont look for trouble, but will be quick to attack should they be at risk of discovery.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Typically a lone individual, seeking to feed a family. Unlikely to pose a threat to a adventuring party or the authorities, catching them however is a task often abandoned.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Individual or in small groups, these Heretics worship forbidden deities and seek to bring them to power, and break the worship of the deities of the land they are in.


Marauders Orcs

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



There are four distinct orc sub species, a wandering group is likely to contain a mixture, but always led by the biggest and strongest of those present. Always quick to attack and often for little reason, they will most likely kill everyone even if they hand over their goods.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



There are two groups of goblins, sperated by their evoltuon to live either underground or on the surface,


Built (Alliance Year):

Built (Alliance Year):

The rise of the Elves-50000

Elfinihiar Creates the elves

The Rise of the Zariger Empire-4000

The Zariger expand aggressively outwards

The Abandonment of Talax-2000

During the fall of the Duergar Empire he barbarian tribes were left to fend for themselves, the land quickly devolved into a hundred small tribes.

The tribes fought each other continually for the merge resources the land still held.

War Comes to Gwanhail-1935

Half of the land of Talax is now either allied or part of Gwanhails tribe. But this amalgamation runs into problems when a tribe who holds dominion over much of the remaining tribes-people openly declare war on Gwanhail.

The war claims the lives of hundreds but is short lived, the strategical knowledge and military teachings of the ancient elf are no match for terrible brute force.

The enemy chieftain is soon killed and their obviously inferior skills leads the other tribes to surrender shortly after and accept Gwanhail as their rightful leader.

The coming of Gwanhail-1798

A series of unfortunate events sees a single elf wash up on shore, Gwanhail Hoardrin is forced to take refuge inland.

The first tribe she encounters, the Talaks takes her in, but she soon proves to be an asset to them.

She shows them new ways to hunt, build better shelters, retrieve cleaner water and within months their health and physical state improves.

Leaderless No More-1795

During the last few years Gwanhail fulfils the role of hunter, warrior and healer.

A surprise attack from a rival tribe leaves hers without chief or sage, Gwanhail quickly fulfils both which saves the tribe.

Stride Forward-1790

With Gwanhail as their chieftain the tribe make leaps forward in their society, quickly taking in three other tribes nearby and forming a much larger tribe, rendering them safe from smaller raids.

She is careful to allow each tribe to retain their chieftains, while she became the High Chieftain whom they swore alliance too.

Gwanhail's Vision-1787

Gwanhail's tribe now numbers in its thousands, organised defences and training provides the first peace experienced for thousands of years.

Schools set up to teach the next generations, and temples built for the tribes-people god of the sun, Rayis.

Gwanhail seeds the foundation of a hierarchical system to manage the growing area.

Centenary of Gwanhail's Arrival-1698

The Talak tribe now stretches from the southern shores to the edge of the northern deserts.

In such a short time it was hard to accomplish great things, but Gwanhail laid the foundation for so much, education, art, mining, weapon craft, farming and architecture.

To mark the centenary of Gwanhail's coming, the people held a grand celebration, with a series of signal fires marking the path she took on her quest to unite the realm.

The Weight of Generations-1665

Gwanhail feels the effect of ageing, her elven lifeforce was dwindling and there was only so much time left, for a elf this was an unknown sensation.

She knew of such things, for elves were only immortal while they remined on Dasima. But she also knew that another century or two was still easily within her.

Knowing time was limited she set about making plans to return home, first she needed to build boats.


The first boats were launched, enabling tribes-people to fish further and land bigger catches, an inadvertent side effect of her quest to return home.

This latest creation quickly spread through her land, and soon hundred of fishing boats were being built.

But Gwanhail needed a bigger vessel, and soon has a dozen of the best carpenters working other project.


Her boat is finished, a simple one man vessel she is sure it can take her home, but after four years word spread she was planning to leave.

The people banded together to present her with an offer she couldn't refuse, Gwanhail was called south to the biggest of her towns, when she arrived it was filled with thousands of her people all chanting her name.

Her carriage was led through the main streets into the market area, where a group of people all stood waiting, everyone of the fifty chieftains that had allied with herself.

As she disembarked and approached they all dropped to one knee bar one, the most respected allied chief approached her carrying a golden crown, inset with a single jewel from each tribe, as he knelt down in front of Gwanhail he lifted it up as an offering and uttered three immortal words 'be our Queen' The biggest celebration anyone had seen marked the coronation of the lands first queen.

Unification of Talax-1661

She declared the land, now her queendom, would from that point on be known as Talax, and all her chieftains would be the Lords of Talax.

Just a few years after unification Talax comes under fresh attack. Out from the deserts marched a heavily armoured army intent on destroying what Gwanhail had created.

The army sacked the closet settlement and slaughtered its inhabitants, before word could reach its Queen the northern most region was lost.

Three Year War-1658

With both armies severally depleted, a final battle was looming, the powerful warlord behind the invasion faced off across the field from Gwanhail herself.

The battle was in her favour, but the Warlord had brought more than soldiers, a cohort of robed figures stepped forward and brought their magic to bear. At the last moment Gwanhail stepped forward had unleashed her own latent elven power, shielding her army from the dark wave of energy.

When the light shone once more after the darkness was dispelled a new glorious Queen was present, glad in golden armour covered in symbols of Rayis, her crown resplendent on her head, her army were in awe and the enemy were shaken.

Gwanhail charged the enemy warlord, faster than any horse, and the encounter was over just as quick, his head separated from his shoulders in a single strike. The remaining enemy immediately fled into the desert

A New Bloodline-1567

Gwanhail develops a romantic attachment to a human male, and realising her mortal life was nearing its end, she ensures she bare a child, probably the first Half-Elf ever.

Citizens from all across Talax journey to see the child, named NAME HIDDEN an amalgamation of Gwanhails fathers name and that of his father.

Like Mother Like Son-1547

Her child grows into a fine man, and a superb warrior but Gwanhail takes great care to raise him as a just and fair leader, wise and honest to one day become King.

He is given the title steward of the North to give him experience of command, his men grow to respect and love their future King and from a early stage signs of a true King are evident.

A Princely Quest-1522

Twenty five years of stewardship proves NAME HIDDEN a successful leader of men, the queen rewards him with a special quest, one that will mark him out and prove to their citizens he's worthy of leading them.

Gwanhail publicly awards this task to her son so the populous can bare witness, the quest; to enter the deserts and locate the source of the continual attacks.

A Nation Worries-1516

With the prince's return past due the queen, and nation, begin to worry, a signal is formed at the western border, drawing so many followers that a settlement begins to form.

Return of the Prince-1513

Three years after the original date for retune the prince staggers out from the desert alone, no army in sight, armour in rusted tatters.

The first to notice his retune were the watchers on the Tower of NAME, the Everwatch Guard, their role completed.

It took several days for the prince to be fit enough to recount his adventure, but soon he told of a impassable desert, home to impossible creatures, most notably a colossal Sandworm which torn through his ranks and left him injured, only his elven heritage allowed him to endure the slow walk back.

This monumental test of endurance captured the heart of his people, rumour quickly spread that he was blessed by Rayis and soon these stories became legend.

A New Wave of Attacks-1501

The heavy armoured warriors from across the desert arrive in unprecedented numbers,

Karla Raeger Born-20

Karla was born during a total eclispe in the alliance year -20, her mother died during a prelonged childbirth leaving her father, King Volan, to raise her, to celebrate his new daughrer he renamed her birth city Karlaia.

Karla Raeger Teenage Years-10

While growing up she was taught the ways of royalty; how to govern and lead the people, with honour and respect for those around her including her subjects. Despite an period of peace the was trained to defend oneself, with blade and bow, with direct hand to hand combat, and importanly with reason and diplomacy.

Karla Raeger Coming of Age-4

For her sixteenth birthday her father planned a grand celebration for her coming of age ceramony, she was to be dressed in a illustrious suit of armour and given a heirloom weapon and ancient ring for the ceramony. But the ceramony never took place.

A few days before the ceremony she was performing a rehersal while her father attended a meeting of the Lords. On the evening of his return Karla waited in her full ceramonial outfit for him to examine and approve. But when the king re-entered the city it was attacked by a legion of the undead, led by the necromancer Arkarzan. A terrible battle took place, the city fell and her father was killed by Arkarzan himself.

Karla was sheltering from the attack when she received a divine vision which instructed her to seek out a ancient outpost, she fled the city and began a long and arduous quest, joined by others that had recived the vision and together they accomplished something truely astounding.

Karla Raeger Returns-2

When she returned she weiled a power like no other, first she took back control of her fatehrs army, then led them to victory. She defeated Arkarzan and destoyed his armies, her nation saved the line to the throne restored, she became Queen.

Karla Rager - Arkarzan Returns2995

Three thousand years after his defeat, Arkazan returns, more powerful than ever and with a series of powerful anit-heros leading armies of thier own, he marches on Karlaira once more.

Artwork of Terrainia

The kingdom page was last updated on the 1st Oct 23.
The Talax database entry was last updated on the 1st Oct 23.


Terrainia started off in 2004 as a single island for a role-playing game (using a well-known and popular third edition rule set). This island became wonderfully detailed, players would recognise who they were dealing with when suitable miniatures (made by another well-known table-top games company) were placed on the table. But eventually the players finished the campaign, and managed to slay the dragon, or so they thought.

So with the campaign over, but the desire to continue burning ever bright, further areas were designed and planned, and over the course of five long but enjoyable years the world grew exponentially. At its peak of these five years there were six regular groups, around forty players, two dungeon masters, and a world as large as Earth drawn up and with huge levels of detail.


While that is where Terrainia was born, now twenty-one years on and the development hasn’t stopped, we began to construct this website in 2010 as a resource for our players to use, then in 2020 (during the world wide pandemic) our founder took the opportunity to flesh out the world even more and add this to the website during which thoughts turned to sharing Terrainia with the rest of the world.

It was at this time that the founder began to commission artists, budgets were low, it took time to find the right artists with the right style, but over the next few years the main cast got made, the deities, the primary heroes and villains, then monsters. it was important for the founder that all artwork was theirs, monster design was theirs, and in turn game systems were theirs, we did not want to copy or reproduce existing systems

Along with the game world, contributors are writing novels and designing games, all set within Terrainia, at the time this page was last updated there is no less than seven different games/books in production, and soon will have link to these games/books for you to immerse yourselves within.

So that’s us, we hope you enjoy the site, if you want to give us some feedback why not .


After this first wave of games and books who knows? but one thing for sure is there is plenty of material and our aim will be to share this world with as many fantasy fans as possible.

CREDITS Info coming soon
TERMS OF USE Info coming soon
Illustrations, website & content © Terrainia 2025
Published by Altered Dimension

Any similarity to any game system or published content is coincidence.
Permission is granted for personal use only.