Zion - An Afterlife Plane

The neutral plane is a plane without good or evil, a plane of serenity and calm. Zion is the remnant of the broken mind of The Entity

The omnipotent lifeform that stopped the Void consuming everything and inadvertantly created the planet within Terrainia

, now it keeps the realm safe from outside interference, and free of both positive and negative energy.

Zion is protected unlike any other plane, no creature or soul of good or evil can reach this plane. For thousands of years, no mortal soul had reached Zion, for its an extraordinarily rare thing for a mortal to be truly neutral.

That continued until Zuoken, first of his kind, was able to transcend the material plane and found his way to Zion, where the essence of the entity infused his immortal soul with true divinity, and Zuoken became the first Transcendent.


Planar Sphere: Divergent Planes

Zion an Afterlife Plane

Form: Infinite expanse of equanimity
Gravity: Low
Passage of time: Normal
Day Length: 24 Hours
Daylight Share: 50%
Climate: Warm. Dry

Clouds supporting impossible towers

Inhabitants - Enlightened

Subtypes: Sage

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Enlightened are very rare, within those sage are the most common, as it is typically the wise that remain neutral. A sage will spend eternity meditating the universe from the Tower of Contemplation.

It is so rare for a Sage to leave Zion that only twice in the history of the world has it happened; each times the world was in danger of becoming too unbalanced towards good or evil, which would ultimately cause the multiverse to collapse.


A very old looking humanoid, sat cross-legged, long hair and fingernails; able to move about by the use of levitation.

, Savant

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Enlightened are very rare, even then Savants are few in number. A Savant will study the libraries of Zion, whose books are created from the minds of other savants.

A Savant will never leave Zion, should they be called upon to aid the Sages they will do so by their mastery of the mind, projecting a perfect replica of their once mortal form to any plane of the Mortal Planes.


Humanoid forms with a third eye, robed in white, pale skin and featureless.

, Oracle

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Enlightened are very rare, within this group the Oracles are the rarest, only four exist at the present time. Each of them study the future, what is, what can be, and what must not come to pass.

The first watches the current timeline to give a baseline for the others, the others watch the timelines that can come to be if they push a mortal to action, or stop one in it's tracks.


Oracles can take any known form, fully materialised, with the mass and powers of any past, present or future mortal being. But only one of them can be on the material plane at any one time.

Inhabitants Role: To further the mind
Planar Influance: None

When a truly neutral soul reaches Zion they will become an Enlightened or an Axiom. A wise soul will become an Enlightened Sage, while a learned soul will become an Enlightened Savant and a master of both will become an Enlightened Oracle; those that don't fit either of those archetypes will become an Axiom.

A sage will meditate the universe from the Tower of Contemplation, a Savant will study the libraries of Zion, whose books are created from the minds of other savants. An Oracle however can do both, but also dedicates their time to foretell the future, something that only the wisest and most intelligent minds of the universe can.

Inhabitants - Axioms

Subtypes: The Infinite

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:

The Infinite




An infinite is so called because it's existence is not bound by time, it has witnessed the beginning and the end. It own goals are individual, but inconsequential, some pursue happiness, others serenity.

At some moment, before or after, at some point, in the end, they will decide to, or not, communicate with the material plane. At which point they become The Finite.


As varied as the humanoids of the material plane, each of them however have a translucent look about them.

, The Finite

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:

The Finite




A finite gains the perception of time as they saw it as mortal, they immediately know that their time in Zion is coming to an end, as much as time is always at the beginning and at the end.

The final play, act or interlude is the direct act of direction given to an individual. This act will probably change the course of the material plane, even the smallest change will disrupt the Oracles of Zion and the soul will be pushed on to wither Eternium or Siyauon.


As varied as the humanoids of the material plane, when they go to the individual they intend to help they appear as a translucent version of their former self, more of a projection than a physical form.

Inhabitants Role: Axioms serve no wider purpose
Planar Influance: Material

All Axioms begin as infinites, they have no purpose but that doesn't mean they don't make decisions and have personal goals. They spend their time pursuing whatever goal they perceive to be the most important, occasionally this will lead them to discover a way to communicate with the material plane at which time they become finites, as once a decision to influence the material plane is taken, a state of neutrality is inevitably coming to an end.

Planar Image

Planar Diagram

Artwork of Terrainia

The plane page was last updated on the 19th Oct 23.
The Zion database entry was last updated on the 17th Sep 23.


Terrainia started off in 2004 as a single island for a role-playing game (using a well-known and popular third edition rule set). This island became wonderfully detailed, players would recognise who they were dealing with when suitable miniatures (made by another well-known table-top games company) were placed on the table. But eventually the players finished the campaign, and managed to slay the dragon, or so they thought.

So with the campaign over, but the desire to continue burning ever bright, further areas were designed and planned, and over the course of five long but enjoyable years the world grew exponentially. At its peak of these five years there were six regular groups, around forty players, two dungeon masters, and a world as large as Earth drawn up and with huge levels of detail.


While that is where Terrainia was born, now twenty-one years on and the development hasn’t stopped, we began to construct this website in 2010 as a resource for our players to use, then in 2020 (during the world wide pandemic) our founder took the opportunity to flesh out the world even more and add this to the website during which thoughts turned to sharing Terrainia with the rest of the world.

It was at this time that the founder began to commission artists, budgets were low, it took time to find the right artists with the right style, but over the next few years the main cast got made, the deities, the primary heroes and villains, then monsters. it was important for the founder that all artwork was theirs, monster design was theirs, and in turn game systems were theirs, we did not want to copy or reproduce existing systems

Along with the game world, contributors are writing novels and designing games, all set within Terrainia, at the time this page was last updated there is no less than seven different games/books in production, and soon will have link to these games/books for you to immerse yourselves within.

So that’s us, we hope you enjoy the site, if you want to give us some feedback why not .


After this first wave of games and books who knows? but one thing for sure is there is plenty of material and our aim will be to share this world with as many fantasy fans as possible.

CREDITS Info coming soon
TERMS OF USE Info coming soon
Illustrations, website & content © Terrainia 2025
Published by Altered Dimension

Any similarity to any game system or published content is coincidence.
Permission is granted for personal use only.