Karla Raeger is the Queen of Talax, inherited from her father King Volan, she has now held that position for over three thousand years. She is a divinely enhanced warrior, master of any blade, capable of incredible feats of strength and agility. Her father bestowed her with great wisdom and sense of right and wrong, an incorruptible light in a world surrounded by darkness.
Her long lifespan and divine enhancement are both granted by the Obsidian Obelisk and her deity Rayis, lord of Fire. Karla is both the Avatar of Fire and an obsidian immortal, she wields this power with great humility and reverence, she uses that power for good, and seek to destroy all evil, personally leading the fight on many occasions.
Instrumental in forging the Grand Alliance, together with another Obsidian Immortal; Ralor Masif. The alliance share a common ideal, that no evil should go unchecked, and that those who cannot defend themselves be defended by those that can.
Karla Raeger Born-20
Karla was born during a total eclispe in the alliance year -20, her mother died during a prelonged childbirth leaving her father, King Volan, to raise her, to celebrate his new daughrer he renamed her birth city Karlaia.
Karla Raeger Teenage Years-10
While growing up she was taught the ways of royalty; how to govern and lead the people, with honour and respect for those around her including her subjects. Despite an period of peace the was trained to defend oneself, with blade and bow, with direct hand to hand combat, and importanly with reason and diplomacy.
Karla Raeger Coming of Age-4
For her sixteenth birthday her father planned a grand celebration for her coming of age ceramony, she was to be dressed in a illustrious suit of armour and given a heirloom weapon and ancient ring for the ceramony. But the ceramony never took place.
A few days before the ceremony she was performing a rehersal while her father attended a meeting of the Lords. On the evening of his return Karla waited in her full ceramonial outfit for him to examine and approve. But when the king re-entered the city it was attacked by a legion of the undead, led by the necromancer Arkarzan. A terrible battle took place, the city fell and her father was killed by Arkarzan himself.
Karla was sheltering from the attack when she received a divine vision which instructed her to seek out a ancient outpost, she fled the city and began a long and arduous quest, joined by others that had recived the vision and together they accomplished something truely astounding.
Karla Raeger Returns-2
When she returned she weiled a power like no other, first she took back control of her fatehrs army, then led them to victory. She defeated Arkarzan and destoyed his armies, her nation saved the line to the throne restored, she became Queen.
Karla Rager - Arkarzan Returns2995
Three thousand years after his defeat, Arkazan returns, more powerful than ever and with a series of powerful anit-heros leading armies of thier own, he marches on Karlaira once more.