Karla Raeger

Karla Raeger is the Queen of Talax, inherited from her father King Volan, she has now held that position for over three thousand years. She is a divinely enhanced warrior, master of any blade, capable of incredible feats of strength and agility. Her father bestowed her with great wisdom and sense of right and wrong, an incorruptible light in a world surrounded by darkness.

Her long lifespan and divine enhancement are both granted by the Obsidian Obelisk and her deity Rayis, lord of Fire. Karla is both the Avatar of Fire and an obsidian immortal, she wields this power with great humility and reverence, she uses that power for good, and seek to destroy all evil, personally leading the fight on many occasions.

Instrumental in forging the Grand Alliance, together with another Obsidian Immortal; Ralor Masif. The alliance share a common ideal, that no evil should go unchecked, and that those who cannot defend themselves be defended by those that can.

Character Details

Title or Rank Queen (Talax)
Race: Enhanced Human

A normal human that has undergone a transformation by powerful magic or divine intervention.

The transformation causes vast improvements to the characters physical and mental characteristics.

Should the enhanced individual have children after the change then their children will also be enhanced

Tier: Divine Hero

Only divine intervention can allow a character to reach this level, they will be imbued with divine energy and as such reach a power level unobtainable to mortal beings

Often these characters will become immortal, but always enhanced physically and mentally, characters of this level will often create kingdoms for themselves, or usurp opposing rivals to take theirs

You must not create characters at this level

Class: Leader


Able to manage and direct all their allies and subordinates in and out of combat situations.

Using great intuition, planning and strategy they can call out specific actions with perfect timing, often turning the encounter, battle or even the war.


Leader Manoeuvres: CommandTauntCalled ShotCalled Strike

Leader Skills: NegotiateCompelWeapon Care

Leader Profiencies: Proficient with all common and uncommon melee weapons, all shields and all armours.



A master of battlefield control, able to command everything from a small strike force to entire armies.

Able to see the intricacies of each and every decision, the variable outcomes and the course of action best suited to the end goal.

A Leader may become a Commander when they become a Champion


Commander Manoeuvres: Mass CommandBattlefield PresenceInspire AlliesSeize the Initiative

Leader Manoeuvres: CommandTauntCalled ShotCalled Strike

Commander Skills: AuthoritativeTactical KnowledgeNegotiateCompelWeapon Care

Commander Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon melee weapons, all shields and all armours.

Lord of War

Lord of War

The title of Lord of War belongs to Karla Raeger and her alone.

With battlefield control beyond all others this character, even when in command of an entire army will wade into the fight, lead from the front and assault the enemy.

Often they seek out the enemy commanders to debilitate the opposing command structure, many an enemy leader has made the mistake of meeting them in one on one combat.

A Lord of War retains all the abilties from the prerequistie classes;
           › Leader

           › Commander


Lord of War Manoeuvres: Mass CommandBattlefield PresenceInspire AlliesSeize the Initiative

Leader Manoeuvres: CommandTauntCalled ShotCalled Strike

Commander Manoeuvres: Battlefield PresenceInspire AlliesSeize the Initiative

Lord of War Skills: NegotiateCompelCalled StrikeAuthoritativeWeapon Care

Lord of War Profiencies: Master of all weapons and armours.

Age: 3067
Chosen Deity: Rayis

Charcter Traits

Persona: Saviour

Always looking out for those less fortunate, will put themselves in harms way to save an innocent creature.

add term:Legendary Leader


add term:Dipolomat


Family Tree

Noteable Ancestor:Gwanhail Hoardrin (Nelyani

The original creation of Elfinihiar, the Elves that colonised the world in another age, now confined to Dasima.

Immortal and pretentious, the elves were first and they know it, master craftsmen, martial experts.

Built (Alliance Year):

Built (Alliance Year):
Father:Volan Hoardrin (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.

Built (Alliance Year):

Built (Alliance Year):
Mother:Karlaria Hoardrin (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.

Built (Alliance Year):

Built (Alliance Year):
Siblings:Asifa Hoardrin (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.

Built (Alliance Year):

Built (Alliance Year):
Children:Xvania Raeger (Enhanced Human

A normal human that has undergone a transformation by powerful magic or divine intervention.

The transformation causes vast improvements to the characters physical and mental characteristics.

Should the enhanced individual have children after the change then their children will also be enhanced

Built (Alliance Year):

Built (Alliance Year):
Jozin Raeger (Enhanced Human

A normal human that has undergone a transformation by powerful magic or divine intervention.

The transformation causes vast improvements to the characters physical and mental characteristics.

Should the enhanced individual have children after the change then their children will also be enhanced



Primary: The Blade of Talax

The Blade of Talax

Sunfury Bastard Sword


Pure white blade when inactive, wreathed in divine flames when active.


The magical sword Karla Raeger returned with shortly before she became queen, its origin is unknown to the citizens but some officials know this to have been found during her time abroad.
Secondary: Grace of Kings

Grace of Kings

Silvered Dagger of Paralyzing


The finest silver blade with a jewel encrusted hilt.


A gift from Ralor Masif, to replace the one she lost saving his life, the blade was a visual replica but holds a powerful enchantment. It is a rarely seen item, but Karla keeps it on her at all times.


Armour: Gwanhails Defence

Gwanhails Defence

Indomitable Half Plate


Golden armour with lavish detailing, part of the ceremonial set given by her father, further enhanced during her divine quest.


The armour commissioned by her father for her coming of age ceremony, further enhanced during her time abroad.
Shield: Shield of Rayis

Shield of Rayis

Mithrill Targe


A gold circular shield, with the emblem of the sun engraved and inlaid with silver.


Commissioned by the people of Asifamel, forged by the finest smiths of Talax, this shield was given as a gift for Karla's coronation as a sign of their gratitude and their total faith in their glorious queen.
Hands: Hands of Rayis

Hands of Rayis

Gauntlets of Flame Strike


Golden armour to match that of her armour, this set looks identical to the original, but is far more enhanced,


This replacement set was designed to keep enemy magic at bay.
Boots: Boots of Swiftness

Boots of Swiftness

Boots of Swiftness


Brown leather plated with golden layers of armour.


The armour plating is magically enhanced, the boots beneath wear out with time and are replaced as necessary.
Cloak: Cloak of Radiance

Cloak of Radiance

Cloak of Greater Radiance


White silk, worn as either a traditional cloak, typically when in battle or on the move, or worn as a dress during official engagemen


Made for her coronation.
Headpiece: Crown of the Empire

Crown of the Empire

Crown of Greater Leadership


A circlet of gold, with a frontal peek witch radiates an soft aura.


Her fathers crown reforged with the central piece of her own.

Enchanted Items

Left Ring: Ring of Hoardrin

Ring of Hoardrin

Ring of Athleticism


An unassuming ring of gold, with no inscriptions.


Part of her original ceremonial outfit, in her fathers family for thousands of years.
Right Ring: Raeger House Ring

Raeger House Ring

Ring of Protection


A delicate gold band with a black stone inset.


Gifted by her Father in Law hours before her battle with Arkarzan, his most prized possession.
Amulet: The Chronometer

The Chronometer

Luck Stealer Amulet


A golden, circular pendant attached to a gold chain, inlaid with a liquid metal.


Found after the final battle with Arkarzan
Innate Enhancements Obsidian Immortal




Built (Alliance Year):
Innate Spells Flame Strike



Built (Alliance Year):

Built (Alliance Year):

Built (Alliance Year):
Leader Manoeuvres
Commander Manoeuvres
Lord of War Manoeuvres
Base Skills

Karla Raeger Born-20

Karla was born during a total eclispe in the alliance year -20, her mother died during a prelonged childbirth leaving her father, King Volan, to raise her, to celebrate his new daughrer he renamed her birth city Karlaia.

Karla Raeger Teenage Years-10

While growing up she was taught the ways of royalty; how to govern and lead the people, with honour and respect for those around her including her subjects. Despite an period of peace the was trained to defend oneself, with blade and bow, with direct hand to hand combat, and importanly with reason and diplomacy.

Karla Raeger Coming of Age-4

For her sixteenth birthday her father planned a grand celebration for her coming of age ceramony, she was to be dressed in a illustrious suit of armour and given a heirloom weapon and ancient ring for the ceramony. But the ceramony never took place.

A few days before the ceremony she was performing a rehersal while her father attended a meeting of the Lords. On the evening of his return Karla waited in her full ceramonial outfit for him to examine and approve. But when the king re-entered the city it was attacked by a legion of the undead, led by the necromancer Arkarzan. A terrible battle took place, the city fell and her father was killed by Arkarzan himself.

Karla was sheltering from the attack when she received a divine vision which instructed her to seek out a ancient outpost, she fled the city and began a long and arduous quest, joined by others that had recived the vision and together they accomplished something truely astounding.

Karla Raeger Returns-2

When she returned she weiled a power like no other, first she took back control of her fatehrs army, then led them to victory. She defeated Arkarzan and destoyed his armies, her nation saved the line to the throne restored, she became Queen.

Karla Rager - Arkarzan Returns2995

Three thousand years after his defeat, Arkazan returns, more powerful than ever and with a series of powerful anit-heros leading armies of thier own, he marches on Karlaira once more.

Artwork of Terrainia

The character page was last updated on the 6th Nov 24.
The Karla Raeger database entry was last updated on the 30th Jan 25.


Terrainia started off in 2004 as a single island for a role-playing game (using a well-known and popular third edition rule set). This island became wonderfully detailed, players would recognise who they were dealing with when suitable miniatures (made by another well-known table-top games company) were placed on the table. But eventually the players finished the campaign, and managed to slay the dragon, or so they thought.

So with the campaign over, but the desire to continue burning ever bright, further areas were designed and planned, and over the course of five long but enjoyable years the world grew exponentially. At its peak of these five years there were six regular groups, around forty players, two dungeon masters, and a world as large as Earth drawn up and with huge levels of detail.


While that is where Terrainia was born, now twenty-one years on and the development hasn’t stopped, we began to construct this website in 2010 as a resource for our players to use, then in 2020 (during the world wide pandemic) our founder took the opportunity to flesh out the world even more and add this to the website during which thoughts turned to sharing Terrainia with the rest of the world.

It was at this time that the founder began to commission artists, budgets were low, it took time to find the right artists with the right style, but over the next few years the main cast got made, the deities, the primary heroes and villains, then monsters. it was important for the founder that all artwork was theirs, monster design was theirs, and in turn game systems were theirs, we did not want to copy or reproduce existing systems

Along with the game world, contributors are writing novels and designing games, all set within Terrainia, at the time this page was last updated there is no less than seven different games/books in production, and soon will have link to these games/books for you to immerse yourselves within.

So that’s us, we hope you enjoy the site, if you want to give us some feedback why not .


After this first wave of games and books who knows? but one thing for sure is there is plenty of material and our aim will be to share this world with as many fantasy fans as possible.

CREDITS Info coming soon
TERMS OF USE Info coming soon
Illustrations, website & content © Terrainia 2025
Published by Altered Dimension

Any similarity to any game system or published content is coincidence.
Permission is granted for personal use only.