A technologically advanced collective, composed primarily of humans but with all manner of races from all over Terrainia. Ruled over by the Ironfather, and his governing body of engineers.

The most experienced engineers will often use mechanical augmentation to prolong their limited lifespan, the degree of such modifications is an indication of both age, wealth and skill.

The Ironfather also commands the largest most powerful army to ever exist within Terrainia, but Mekis as a whole is a pacifist state, they abhor violence, and the army is entirely composed of dormant constructs, mechanical warriors who if activated follow the Ironfather's commands to the letter.


Goverment: Technocracy

A form of government in which engineers, scientists, and other technical experts are in control of decision making in their respective fields.

      The Ironfather (Augment

Some augments were experiments, gone right or wrong is an opinion that differs from augment to augment and creator to creator. Typically one that survives will be faster, stronger and generally improved.

Any body part could be replaced, even internal organs, although a power source is often required in such cases. The specific component replaced determines the improvement or hinderance so achieved.



A Technomancer has tapped into the arcane energies, typically through a scientific breakthrough that allowed them to create, sometimes by accident, an artefact to act as a conduit.

Using this Arcane Conduit they are able to harness elemental forces to power their machines and give them the ability this think for themselves, forever loyal to their creator.

An Engineer becomes a Technomancer when they create an Arcane Conduit.


Technomancer Spells: Infuse MachineIt's AliveInstant RepairImmolate

Technomancer Profiencies: Expert of the creation of living machines and constructs. Can create an Arcane Conduit.

Technomancer Spell Casting: Spells require an Arcane Conduit.

Established: circa 3000 years ago


Philosophy: Pacifism

Inherently peaceful, abhors all violence, will always seek a diplomatic resolution and will only ever engage if something directly threatens to harm them or their way of life.

Alliances:Talax (Embassy: Asifamel)
Alantor (Embassy: Berkit)
Nazakir (Embassy: Telaris)
Razell (Embassy: Duanburg)


Capital City: Albrunz
Geography: 80% desert, 20% Mountains
Landmarks: The Brone Dome

The bronze dome protects the city from the heat of the desert sun, and also keeps the warm during the cold nights, this mihty structure is over two thousand feet in diamiter.

It took Mekis\'s best engineers to find a way to build a solution.

Location: Atop the City of Bronze
Built (Alliance Year):
Oasis of Fortune

Aptly named due to the obvisous fortune of coming accross a oasis in a desert, theres nothing special about this site but it is an important landmark for travel and trade.

Over the years various camps have turned from temperaroy to permentant as the settleres have found a lucrative buisness in sellign their wares while travelers are forced to stop.

Location: Roughly centre of the desert
Formed (Alliance Year): Age of Awakening
The Sinkhole

In the open desert a vast two hundred space has fell into the earth, leaving a huge sinkhole thats slowly expanding and drawing hundreds of tons of sand in eah day.

Location: One hundred miles south of the City of Brass
Formed (Alliance Year): 2789
Elemental Gate of Fulmin

An elemental gate is one the five most powerful artefacts that exsist upon the mortal plane. The sky Gate is the conduit between the plane of Fulmin and the Mortal plane, through which the electrial energy of the world flows.

The gate is so heavily charged with electrical energy the engineers of Mekis found a way to harness it to power their machines.

Location: Atop the highest mountin in the north
Formed (Alliance Year): Age of Awakening
Climate: Hot


Primary deity: ()
Techno Savant:Gieger Ironframe (Dwarf

The creation of Thaiek, hardy, strong, resolute, stoic. All features that define the Dwarf race, and ultimetly led to their almost distinction.

Now just numbering in their thousands, those in their homeland fight everday to stay alive, those scattered across the world live in isolation, from their own kind and the rest of the world, even if in the middle of a city.



A Technomancer has tapped into the arcane energies, typically through a scientific breakthrough that allowed them to create, sometimes by accident, an artefact to act as a conduit.

Using this Arcane Conduit they are able to harness elemental forces to power their machines and give them the ability this think for themselves, forever loyal to their creator.

An Engineer becomes a Technomancer when they create an Arcane Conduit.


Technomancer Spells: Infuse MachineIt's AliveInstant RepairImmolate

Technomancer Profiencies: Expert of the creation of living machines and constructs. Can create an Arcane Conduit.

Technomancer Spell Casting: Spells require an Arcane Conduit.

Secondry deities:

Built (Alliance Year):
Prohibited deities: All Others


Population by Race: Augment

Some augments were experiments, gone right or wrong is an opinion that differs from augment to augment and creator to creator. Typically one that survives will be faster, stronger and generally improved.

Any body part could be replaced, even internal organs, although a power source is often required in such cases. The specific component replaced determines the improvement or hinderance so achieved.

[ Approx: 5,000 ]


If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.

[ Approx: 1,500,000 ]


The forged are race of pseudo sentient machines, built by those with access to the arcane through an Arcane Conduit. During the process the creator can instil a handful of definitive commands, and those commands must be adhered to or the machine will shut down.

Such commands as; You shall not kill are often used, but if their intention is one of combat or protection, then a more precise command can be used, such as; You shall not harm your creator.

These commands will prevent the machine from taking certain actions, but too precise a command and it can be circumvented, and to broad a command might cause the machine to shut down.

[ Approx: 1,000,000 ]


[ Approx: 5,000 ]

Population Total: 2,510,000

[ Approx ]

Spoken Languages: Common

The widely used language of Terrainia, although it varies a little, through dialect and accent, it remains interpretable by anyone with the most basic of understanding of it.

, Techno

A language used by Forged and their creators, its common but with thousands of words for technical things within their sciences that its appears to be a foreign language to others.

Demonym: Mekins

The people of Mekis.

Laws and Justice: Individual Arbiter

A single person is appointed to be judge and jury for all crimes in their given area, typically this arbiter is either the lord of the land or appointed by them directly.

If a individual appoints more than one arbiter, each will have to follow the same code laid down by their lord.

Expected punishment for theft:

Punishment will typically result in exile

Magicial Law: Unrestricted

Magic is permitted and not monitored, often those with skill are sought after by the government or wealthy individuals for protection.

Architecture: Mekis Architecture

Stone and steel buildings built into rock cliffs, densly packed, Steel walkways connecting buildings, Houses are small and cramped, Dozens of levels of buildings with steel steps connecting the levels of walkway, Industrial look, Workshops on bottom levels, Air flow systems to vent toxic fumes, Covered cities. No roads as not needed, steel floors on open spaces, Advanced sewage system, No famring above ground, large underground hydroponic domes.


State: Strong

A strong economy means high value goods are readily available, and wealthy induviduals often seek warriors for quests or for personal guard.

Taxation: Low & Fair

Taxation hits the rich more than the poor, and is managable for all

Minerals:Paladium, Iron, Coal, Lead
Commodities:Fruit, Horses
Main Exports:Machine Parts, Horses, Fruit
Main Imports:Silks, Gemstones, Gold, Silver
Trade Partners:Talax, Alantor, Nazakir


Click for focused map, hover for preview.

Warfronts and Commanders

BroldTat Aklay (Augment

Some augments were experiments, gone right or wrong is an opinion that differs from augment to augment and creator to creator. Typically one that survives will be faster, stronger and generally improved.

Any body part could be replaced, even internal organs, although a power source is often required in such cases. The specific component replaced determines the improvement or hinderance so achieved.



A Technomancer has tapped into the arcane energies, typically through a scientific breakthrough that allowed them to create, sometimes by accident, an artefact to act as a conduit.

Using this Arcane Conduit they are able to harness elemental forces to power their machines and give them the ability this think for themselves, forever loyal to their creator.

An Engineer becomes a Technomancer when they create an Arcane Conduit.


Technomancer Spells: Infuse MachineIt's AliveInstant RepairImmolate

Technomancer Profiencies: Expert of the creation of living machines and constructs. Can create an Arcane Conduit.

Technomancer Spell Casting: Spells require an Arcane Conduit.


Military Forces

Infantry:Automa Defender

Automa Defender










External Plating



Pneumatic Spear & Repeating Crossbow


The Mekis infantry are autonomous machines, set to a task and programmed to follow strict orders they will only be activated if Mekis comes under attack, or the Ironfather or Techno Savant issue specific commands. These machines are housed within walls, towers, buildings and other structures so they can activate anywhere on the island.

[ Approx: 100,000 ]

Infantry:Iron Golems

Iron Golems













Pneumatic Spear & Pneumatic Fist


Although the first were iron, they have since changed to more durable metals such as steel and palladium, but the name stuck, these machines are visible protectors of the realm, walking amongst the cities and roads through the desert as a never-ending watch. Iron Golems have a superior set of directives, they can talk, interact with each other and the citizens of Mekis, and will come to the aid of those calling for help.

[ Approx: 2,000 ]

Cavalry:Forged Destroyers

Forged Destroyers










External Plating



Various Heavy Weapons & Incendiary Cannon


These are the only sentient machines used to protect Mekis, awakened machines which gained sentience. Forged are built by the religious sect that worship Machina as a god, these engineers have bound the essence of a Celestial to the machine core, giving the machine true sentience. Fortunately, celestials are good by nature and upon seeing the world for the first time in millennia they are enthralled with their newfound form. Some of the Forged see it as their duty to protect the land they now call home, and in return their bodies are modified heavily to be battle ready, dubbed destroyers by the citizens, a name that has stuck, they are a fearsome foe on the battlefield, capable of single handily eliminating entire regiments.

[ Approx: 1000 ]

Warmachines:Automa Spheris Incendiary

Automa Spheris Incendiary










External Plating



Explosive Detonation


These Automa are built using the regular Spheris pattern, but are filled with an explosive inner core, and are not launched at high speed, otherwise the core will explode. These gather pace slowly as they move towards an enemy, and as they make contact they explode with devastating force, as such these are only activated when the need is great, and all other options have been considered.

[ Approx: 500 ]

Unique Unit:Forged Destroyers

Forged Destroyers










External Plating



Various Heavy Weapons & Incendiary Cannon


These are the only sentient machines used to protect Mekis, awakened machines which gained sentience. Forged are built by the religious sect that worship Machina as a god, these engineers have bound the essence of a Celestial to the machine core, giving the machine true sentience. Fortunately, celestials are good by nature and upon seeing the world for the first time in millennia they are enthralled with their newfound form. Some of the Forged see it as their duty to protect the land they now call home, and in return their bodies are modified heavily to be battle ready, dubbed destroyers by the citizens, a name that has stuck, they are a fearsome foe on the battlefield, capable of single handily eliminating entire regiments.

[ Approx: 200 ]

Defence Fleet

Characters of Renown

Alpha 845 (Forged

The forged are race of pseudo sentient machines, built by those with access to the arcane through an Arcane Conduit. During the process the creator can instil a handful of definitive commands, and those commands must be adhered to or the machine will shut down.

Such commands as; You shall not kill are often used, but if their intention is one of combat or protection, then a more precise command can be used, such as; You shall not harm your creator.

These commands will prevent the machine from taking certain actions, but too precise a command and it can be circumvented, and to broad a command might cause the machine to shut down.



A brawler who has become proficient with weapons, the arena and multiple opponent combat.

Able to turn the enemies strengths, weaknesses and numbers against them, the enemy soon realise they are fighting each other as much as the gladiator.

A Brawler may become a Gladiator when they become a Champion


Gladiator Manoeuvres: CounterImproviseUnbalanceTaunt

Brawler Manoeuvres: GrappleRapid StrikeDisarmTumble

Gladiator Skills: GambleAwarenessStrongIntimidateWeapon Care

Gladiator Profiencies: Expert with open hand, bare fist fighting, common and uncommon melee weapons and light armours.

- Guardian of the Iron Father
Engineer Spricket (Dwarf

The creation of Thaiek, hardy, strong, resolute, stoic. All features that define the Dwarf race, and ultimetly led to their almost distinction.

Now just numbering in their thousands, those in their homeland fight everday to stay alive, those scattered across the world live in isolation, from their own kind and the rest of the world, even if in the middle of a city.



A Technomancer has tapped into the arcane energies, typically through a scientific breakthrough that allowed them to create, sometimes by accident, an artefact to act as a conduit.

Using this Arcane Conduit they are able to harness elemental forces to power their machines and give them the ability this think for themselves, forever loyal to their creator.

An Engineer becomes a Technomancer when they create an Arcane Conduit.


Technomancer Spells: Infuse MachineIt's AliveInstant RepairImmolate

Technomancer Profiencies: Expert of the creation of living machines and constructs. Can create an Arcane Conduit.

Technomancer Spell Casting: Spells require an Arcane Conduit.

- Creator of the Automa Spheris
CTG (Forged

The forged are race of pseudo sentient machines, built by those with access to the arcane through an Arcane Conduit. During the process the creator can instil a handful of definitive commands, and those commands must be adhered to or the machine will shut down.

Such commands as; You shall not kill are often used, but if their intention is one of combat or protection, then a more precise command can be used, such as; You shall not harm your creator.

These commands will prevent the machine from taking certain actions, but too precise a command and it can be circumvented, and to broad a command might cause the machine to shut down.



A master of battlefield control, able to command everything from a small strike force to entire armies.

Able to see the intricacies of each and every decision, the variable outcomes and the course of action best suited to the end goal.

A Leader may become a Commander when they become a Champion


Commander Manoeuvres: Mass CommandBattlefield PresenceInspire AlliesSeize the Initiative

Leader Manoeuvres: CommandTauntCalled ShotCalled Strike

Commander Skills: AuthoritativeTactical KnowledgeNegotiateCompelWeapon Care

Commander Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon melee weapons, all shields and all armours.

- Seeker drone controller
Alleco Smolia (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.



A passion for the wild led this archer to become self sufficient, venture into unknown lands and explore the world around them, with their trusted companion by their side they can spend a lot of time otherwise alone.

Often recruited by military forces to act as scouts and rangers.

An Archer may become a Pioneer when they become a Champion


Pioneer Manoeuvres: Identify TargetImproviseCompanion: AttackCompanion: Defend

Archer Manoeuvres: Placed ShotRapid ShotSunderVolley

Pioneer Skills: TrackInvestigateAwarenessFletcherWeapon Care

Pioneer Profiencies: Proficient with all common melee and Expert with all ranged weapons, and light armours.

- Watchman of the Old City
Kyvat Solov (Nelothi

An ancestor of the first elves, wild elves chose to remain in the wider world when their creator called them home, sacrificing their immortality to do so.

With a deep connection to nature they live at one with the world, careful to make as little impact on the world as possible.



A chaos mage that shuns their own power, constantly trying to keep it contained, and as such has resulted to fighting with blade and shield.

Almost frightened of the power they can wield, an Anarchist understands that continual smaller discharge is safter for them and those around them.

A Chaos Mage may become an Anarchist when they become a Champion


Anarchist Manoeuvres: Chaos BladeChaos StormImplosionChaos Slash

Anarchist Skills: BluffDisguiseInfuse: ChaosEtch Rune: ChaosWeapon Care

Anarchist Profiencies: Proficient with all common and uncommon melee weapons, all shields, cannot wear armour. Proficient spellcaster of Elemental magic.

- Exile Mage of Chaos

Characters of Infamy

The Silver Mask (Human

If you don't know what a human is, you're in trouble.

Quick to learn and adapt, they survive in all bar the most extreme of environments with ease.



The most devout priests will eventually become Theurgists, able to command greater divine power to heal more serious wounds, pluck their allies from death and protect them to a greater degree.

They will take up seat as head of local churches or temples, communicating and working with the greater network of their fellows.

A Priest may become a Theurgist when they become a Champion


Theurgist Spells: Healing WaveDivine StrikeBarrier of ProtectionCircle of Life

Theurgist Skills: Ritual: ExorciseRitual: ResurrectionRitual: FealtyDetect: UndeadDetect: Magic

Theurgist Profiencies: Expert spellcaster of divine magic. Proficient with all common melee weapons and all armours.

Theurgist Spell Casting: Spells require a holy symbol and verbal commands.

- Religious fanatic seeking power
Prototype X (Forged

The forged are race of pseudo sentient machines, built by those with access to the arcane through an Arcane Conduit. During the process the creator can instil a handful of definitive commands, and those commands must be adhered to or the machine will shut down.

Such commands as; You shall not kill are often used, but if their intention is one of combat or protection, then a more precise command can be used, such as; You shall not harm your creator.

These commands will prevent the machine from taking certain actions, but too precise a command and it can be circumvented, and to broad a command might cause the machine to shut down.



Once a spy becomes an assassin there is no turning back, they will always be sought after to perform such missions, Able to kill unseen even when in the same room, or kill the unreachable target, a hired assassin only gets paid upon completion, so only the best become one.

A Spy may become an Assassin when they become a Champion


Assassin Manoeuvres: Silent StrikeFadeToxin BladeToxin Dart

Spy Manoeuvres: Concealed WeaponConcealed StrikeLurkEvade

Assassin Skills: Use ToxinSlight of HandStalkDisguiseWeapon Care

Assassin Profiencies: Expert with all common and uncommon melee weapons, and light armours.

- A failed machine that escaped into the desert


The Undead Zombies

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Most often a dead humanoid, brought back to life with dark energies. The decayed flesh hangs from the body, open wounds and sores do not bother them and the shamble towards the nearest living person, to feast on their living flesh.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



An encompansing term for those that die in the desert and are awoken with the dark energy that wakes the dead. Forever wandering the deseert in search for the living. Their sand blasted bodies typical barren of features and clothing.


Built (Alliance Year):

Built (Alliance Year):
Criminals Bandits

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Individuals or gangs, laying in wait on the roads of the region. Using surprise and numbers to their advantage, these will often appear to be more formidable than they are. Often their target will hand over their gold to save their lives.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Often disguised as merchants or peasants, these specialise in getting illegal goods to or from a prohibition area. They wont look for trouble, but will be quick to attack should they be at risk of discovery.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Operating as small connected groups to avoid detection. These groups seek to topple governments and sow the seeds of discontent, initiating riots and protests all to distract from their real plan.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Typically gangs or warbands, not native to the area, seeking to plunder the riches of the kingdom, or seeking slaves to sell when they return to their homeland.


The rise of the Elves-50000

Elfinihiar Creates the elves

The Rise of the Zariger Empire-4000

The Zariger expand aggressively outwards

Artwork of Terrainia

The kingdom page was last updated on the 1st Oct 23.
The Mekis database entry was last updated on the 1st Oct 23.


Terrainia started off in 2004 as a single island for a role-playing game (using a well-known and popular third edition rule set). This island became wonderfully detailed, players would recognise who they were dealing with when suitable miniatures (made by another well-known table-top games company) were placed on the table. But eventually the players finished the campaign, and managed to slay the dragon, or so they thought.

So with the campaign over, but the desire to continue burning ever bright, further areas were designed and planned, and over the course of five long but enjoyable years the world grew exponentially. At its peak of these five years there were six regular groups, around forty players, two dungeon masters, and a world as large as Earth drawn up and with huge levels of detail.


While that is where Terrainia was born, now twenty years on and the development hasn’t stopped, we began to construct this website in 2010 as a resource for our players to use, then in 2020 (during the world wide pandemic) our founder took the opportunity to flesh out the world even more and add this to the website during which thoughts turned to sharing Terrainia with the rest of the world.

It was at this time that the founder began to commission artists, budgets were low, it took time to find the right artists with the right style, but over the next few years the main cast got made, the deities, the primary heroes and villains, then monsters. it was important for the founder that all artwork was theirs, monster design was theirs, and in turn game systems were theirs, we did not want to copy or reproduce existing systems

Along with the game world, contributors are writing novels and designing games, all set within Terrainia, at the time this page was last updated there is no less than seven different games/books in production, and soon will have link to these games/books for you to immerse yourselves within.

So that’s us, we hope you enjoy the site, if you want to give us some feedback why not .


After this first wave of games and books who knows? but one thing for sure is there is plenty of material and our aim will be to share this world with as many fantasy fans as possible.

CREDITS Info coming soon
TERMS OF USE Info coming soon
Illustrations, website & content © Terrainia 2024
Published by Altered Dimension

Any similarity to any game system or published content is coincidence.
Permission is granted for personal use only.