Infernis - An Afterlife Plane

Known by many names, the elves call it 'perdition', halflings 'the dark end' but the humans of the world call it Hell. The place where the corrupt, vile, depraved and others of pure evil go to upon death. Once the souls of the damned descend to Infernis they are tortured for eternity, but not in the fashion that the living envision.

They do not get whipped and beaten or forced to relive terrible moments, instead their souls are slowly consumed over a millennia. During which their disembodied minds know nothing but fear and pain. It this process that fuels the negative plane, and in turn allows for negative energy to seep slowly into the material realms, where it can infect the recently dead or even manifest as an entity of evil.


Planar Sphere: Lower Planes

Siyauon the Shadow Plane
Infernis an Afterlife Plane

Form: Expanse of nothing

Mortal Comprehension

Each mortal soul that reaches Infernis views it's surroundings differently, but what they see is not important, they feel pain for millennia until finally even their soul ceases to exist.

Inhabitants - Shades

Subtypes: Wither

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Spawned from the shards of Saiyiden, Withers are nasty, evil creatures; full of hate for the mortal souls that descend into Infernis. For millennia these creatures laid dormant, until the first dammed souls began to arrive.

Each Wither will be tormenting thousands of souls at any one time, feeding nothing but their need to cause pain and suffering.


An naked emaciated figure, 5 foot tall with a hunch.

, Stalker

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Spawned from the shards of Saiyiden, Withers are nasty, evil creatures; full of hate for the mortal souls that descend into Infernis. For millennia these creatures laid dormant, until the first dammed souls began to arrive.

A Stalker will only have one soul that it torments at any time, it will allow the soul to move freely about in a façade of the real world. While giving the soul the semblance of life it enhances the fear and pain it generates when constantly pursuing and attacking them.


A black cat like creature with 2 pairs of fore legs, four tendrils tipped with shock inducing stingers protrude from it's back.

, Whisperer

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Spawned from the shards of Saiyiden, Withers are nasty, evil creatures; full of hate for the mortal souls that descend into Infernis. For millennia these creatures laid dormant, until the first dammed souls began to arrive.

Whisperers use a trapped soul to communicate with the living, it impersonates them and uses it's deception to cause fear in the living.


A humanoid figure with tiny white eyes with no mouth, covered in shard like spines, with a continual black fog that is left in it's wake.

Inhabitants Role: To feed off the soul, through fear or pain that it inflicts
Planar Influance: Material

The shades will torment the soul for millennia until it is utterly destroyed. The essence of the once living person is consumed entirely to fuel the creature and the planes existence.

Inhabitants - Keepers

Subtypes: Arator

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





A single purpose sits on the mind of this creature, to gather the souls of Infernis, it will steal them from the Shades if necessary. The soul will feel relief for the moment.

Once a soul is gathered it is taken to the Poneria, the preservers of the souls.


A hunched over form, hovering just off the ground no limbs are visible.

, Poneria

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





When a soul is delivered to a Poneria it imprisoned within a magical container that only a Poneria can open.

Poneria then pass these contained souls to an Archeran to catalogue and store.


A stationary form, four arms protrude from a covered mass, creating the containers, trapping the souls of the damned within.

, Archeran

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





An Archeran, or Archivist, catalogue and store hundreds of trapped souls. Doing so to have them on hand when the Mercator calls for one, often one with certain qualities.


8ft tall humanoid creature with six arms, robed in black, hovering just off the floor. One hand holds a ledger, another holds a quill.

, Mercator

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





The Soul Dealer has a wide reach, evil spellcasters often look for easy power, souls can play a part in that. Demons looking to breach a planar barrier often barter for them too.

A self serving sentient creature that longs for a greater power of their own, only a handful of Mercator's exsist. Each of them strive to reach the material plane themselves, where they can take true form and a become a powerful warlord or underworld crime boss.


7ft muscular humanoid with spikes on exposed body parts, broad shoulders, thick arms and an aura that shifts behind them.

Inhabitants Role: To gather and collect souls
Planar Influance: Material, Siyauon

The Keepers below the level of Dealer are single minded creatures set to task, capable of free thought but dedicated to their goal, be it gathering, preserving or archiving the unfortunate souls.

The Dealer however is a manipulative forward thinker, focused on the trade of souls. Spellcasters on the Material plane can use bartered souls to fuel their spells, and demons in the Shadow Plane consume them to gain temporary power.

Inhabitants - Spectres

Subtypes: Ghost

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





A ghost is the most common form of spectre known to mortal kind. 'Born' in the plane Infernis they escape the torture and make their way back to the material plane.

Once on the material plane it becomes trapped there, sometimes they can be confined to specific areas, or buildings. This 'haunting' can go on indefinitely.

While not always harmful, should the ghost try to claim the place for themselves, perhaps it was once their home, then they can begin to manifest powers to deal with the perceived intruder.


A whiteish form, humanoid proportions but unidentifiable. Incorporeal.

, Phantom

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





A phantom is a spectre that never truly escapes from the Infernal plane, it projects what's left of it's soul to the material plane to escape the pain and suffering.

While manifested on the material plane the phantom will try to imitate it's former life, only if this is interrupted will it become dangerous to those around it.

Phantoms can be controlled by necromancers, and used in this way they are dangerous creatures with malevolent powers.


A faded version their former self, unmistakably not of this world. Incorporeal.

, Apparition

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





An apparition escapes it's torture and becomes fully aware of the pain and suffering it itself had caused when alive, it seeks out those with which it can atone.

If too long has passed it will seek out it's family, or the family of those it had wrong and attempt to help them. This help is often misconceived as it can not communicate with them, and will often frighten them with the unnatural behaviour.


A near invisible force, a slight bending of the light is the only indicator of it's location. Incorporeal.

, Shadow

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





A shadow is a spectre that can not exist in the light, daylight will destroy it, moonlight hurts it. Even a candle can keep the shadow away, but if it finds a mortal in darkness, it will attack it.

If the shadow can find a creature far enough from light, it will attack it by draining it's life essence. A successful of attack will allow the shadow some daylight immunity for a few hours.


If caught in light the creature appears to be a haze, but in darkness it takes full form, a black whisp of energy. Incorporeal.

, Wraith

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





A wraith is created when the pain and suffering become so intense that it changes the soul completely. It becomes immune to the pain but will seek to inflict it on others, as if some barging had been struck.

The typical vengeful spirit, a wraith reaching the material realm will seek out those that were involved in the end of it's mortal life, slaughtering entire families to slate their thirst for revenge.


A bodyless black robe, shifting in the wind despite there being none. The hood covers no head, but to peer within sends a mortal mad. Incorporeal.

Inhabitants Role: To end the lives of mortals
Planar Influance: Material

Spectres were once mortal souls; the pain and suffering endured by the soul can allow them to manifest on material plane. Regardless of who they were, the soul is all consumed by pain and fear. The wraith is the most potent of these, while the apparition is the exception as it will try and help its former friends and family.

Planar Image

Planar Diagram

Artwork of Terrainia

The plane page was last updated on the 19th Oct 23.
The Infernis database entry was last updated on the 17th Sep 23.


Terrainia started off in 2004 as a single island for a role-playing game (using a well-known and popular third edition rule set). This island became wonderfully detailed, players would recognise who they were dealing with when suitable miniatures (made by another well-known table-top games company) were placed on the table. But eventually the players finished the campaign, and managed to slay the dragon, or so they thought.

So with the campaign over, but the desire to continue burning ever bright, further areas were designed and planned, and over the course of five long but enjoyable years the world grew exponentially. At its peak of these five years there were six regular groups, around forty players, two dungeon masters, and a world as large as Earth drawn up and with huge levels of detail.


While that is where Terrainia was born, now twenty-one years on and the development hasn’t stopped, we began to construct this website in 2010 as a resource for our players to use, then in 2020 (during the world wide pandemic) our founder took the opportunity to flesh out the world even more and add this to the website during which thoughts turned to sharing Terrainia with the rest of the world.

It was at this time that the founder began to commission artists, budgets were low, it took time to find the right artists with the right style, but over the next few years the main cast got made, the deities, the primary heroes and villains, then monsters. it was important for the founder that all artwork was theirs, monster design was theirs, and in turn game systems were theirs, we did not want to copy or reproduce existing systems

Along with the game world, contributors are writing novels and designing games, all set within Terrainia, at the time this page was last updated there is no less than seven different games/books in production, and soon will have link to these games/books for you to immerse yourselves within.

So that’s us, we hope you enjoy the site, if you want to give us some feedback why not .


After this first wave of games and books who knows? but one thing for sure is there is plenty of material and our aim will be to share this world with as many fantasy fans as possible.

CREDITS Info coming soon
TERMS OF USE Info coming soon
Illustrations, website & content © Terrainia 2025
Published by Altered Dimension

Any similarity to any game system or published content is coincidence.
Permission is granted for personal use only.