Ralor Masif is the King of Alantor, a title earned through action as well as blood. His claim to the throne discovered on his journey to free his people, a title he never wanted but one that he honours with every action he takes. Now three thousand years old he still defends his realm from the evils that seek to destroy it.
He is a mighty Paladin of Victirus, magically enhanced and immortal, powers granted by the Obsidian Obelisk and his deity Victirus, lord of Lightning. Ever watchful, Ralor is an incredible warrior and can call upon divine powers to battle the forces of evil and chaos, never a day passes where he will relent, as he knows the day he does, his people will suffer.
With his dear friend Karla Raeger, he built the Grand Alliance, with a guiding purpose to seek out all evil and remove it from this world. No innocent will go unavenged, for this Paladin of Victirus, will not allow it.