To the typical citizen of Terrainia; Ra isn't inhabited, its simply a domain of Talax, used for farming rare mushrooms, but what they don't know is that's it home to the last of the ancient mythical race of Dryads. Their leader was saved from destruction by Queen Karla Raeger and they formed a friendship that has lasted over a thousand years. The queen found them a new home in return for the protection of their mushrooms.

The only humans on the island are a handful of soldiers and workers that facilitate the shipping of the mushrooms back to Talax, they all reside at the tiny port settlement, on a piece of land that extends from the island to the southwest.


Goverment: Theocracy

A form of government in which a god or deity is recognized as the state's supreme civil ruler. Since said god or deity is usually absent from decision making, a self-appointed or elected leader or leaders of the religion of said god or deity will rule instead through personal interpretation of the laws commanded by the god in that religion's written law.

(Deity: Nephodacha)
Bachih (Dryade

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:


Earth Sprit

Earth spirits connected to trees


 Elder Druid

Elder Druid

After a lifetime of druidic activates, protecting the natural world, giving their very soul to the task they can become an Elder.

These elders will take upon new duties, they become teachers to other druids, emissaries to non druid organisations and the last line of defence when the first line fails.

A Druid may become an Elder Druid when they become a Champion


Elder Druid Spells: RevivificationTree WalkPrimal WardPrimal Might

Elder Druid Skills: Ritual: LaylineSpeak with AnimalsRitual: LifeDetect: DecayDetect: Magic

Elder Druid Profiencies: Expert spellcaster of life magic. Proficient with a staff.

Elder Druid Spell Casting: Spells require physical components which are consumed in the process.

Established: 100 years ago


Philosophy: Pacifism

Inherently peaceful, abhors all violence, will always seek a diplomatic resolution and will only ever engage if something directly threatens to harm them or their way of life.


Geography: 95% Forest
Landmarks: The Lighthouse of Volan

Built ten years before Volan Hoardrin sailed across the Talax Ocean, Volan knew his fleet would need guidance across such a treacherous span of water. He was well aware of the rumours about the island to the north and wanted to steer clear of it.

His solution was to build a beacon so high and so bright it would be seen from such a distance that it would guide his ships on both stages of the journey.

The lighthouse is now redundant due to the more advanced maps and shipping lanes, particularly the use of the water to the south of Ra, the lighthouse has fallen into disrepair, although on the darkest nights and foggy days sailors claim to have seen the lighthouse and used it to stay on course.

Location: Northern most point of Ra
Built (Alliance Year): Imperial year 1482 (Alliance year -25)
The Golden Tree

In the centre of the forests of Ra stands an impossible tree, golden in colour with three trunks twisting around each other until they become one. It?s this tree that changes the solid around its base and allows the rare Golden Mushroom to grow.

The mushroom has a golden colour but is otherwise edible, but it has a renown healing property, when used in the right way.

The tree is the last of the golden trees that used to grow throughout the area, they were being cut down by raiders until Karla Raeger blockaded the island and stopped their attacks, this not only saved the last golden tree but also the lord of the dryad people who had settled on the island some millennia before.

Location: Centre of the forest
Formed (Alliance Year): Age of Awakening
Climate: Wet


Primary deity:Nephodacha (The Lady of the Forest)
The Arborian:Letheria (Dryade

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:


Earth Sprit

Earth spirits connected to trees




At time of great need a diety will call upon their druidic follows to take up arms against invaders and those that would bring destruction to the great forests of the world.

So unique is this situation that a deity of any persona may feel the need to make the call, for even the likes of Trozok and Vorseth understand the need for the natural world.

A Druid may become a Warden when they become a Champion


Warden Manoeuvres: Ward MagicRadiancePrimal WardPrimal Might

Warden Skills: Ritual: LaylineDetect: EvilRitual: LifeDetect: DecayWeapon Care

Warden Profiencies: Proficient spellcaster of life magic. Expert with all common melee weapons and light armour.

Secondry deities: Mathandria, Zuoken
Prohibited deities: None (Racial Providence)

The creatures of the area simply dont know, understand, or aknoledge other deities so there is no reaosn to prohibit them.


Population by Race:

[ Approx: 2,000 ]

[ Approx: 2,000 ]

Silverweb Spider

Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:

Silverweb Spider




When the ancient dragons still roamed thew world, a cluster of spiders happened upon a vein of elementally charged vein of silver, so charged by Vorseth during one of her tinkerings.

The whole cluster grew in size overnight, their intelligence enchanced. Their webs became unique, able to produce an otherwise unknown substance; Silversilk.


The biggest are the size of cattle, but the most numerous are the size of cats, deadly to intruders.

[ Approx: 30,000 ]

[ Approx: 5 ]

[ Approx: 1 ]

Population Total: 34,006

[ Approx ]

Spoken Languages: They

A rare language in the material plane, it is the language of the Fairy creatures of Theyran, specifically the Dryads.

Laws and Justice: No Law Structure

No discernible law structure exists either because no discernible community exists or the inhabitants are self-governing.

Expected punishment for theft:

If discovered by a inhabitant capable of taking action the thief is likely to be killed.

Magicial Law: Not Applicable
Architecture: No Architecture

Any buildings are either encient runis or built as temporary structures by other nations.


State: Derivative

Usually this will be a resource outpost, or a small island collanised by the associated nation without enough people to have its own economy.

- Talax
Taxation: No Economy
Commodities:Rare Mushrooms
Main Exports:Mushrooms to Talax
Main Imports:None
Trade Partners:Talax


Click for focused map, hover for preview.

Wild Animals


Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Species dependant on locality. Most often found alone as they forage for food. Small to medium in size, thick wiry fur and large tusks, will attack if startled, but otherwise not aggressive.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




A diverse range of carnivorous small animals, with distinct features they seam unrelated. Grouped together due to the similarities, sharp teeth, fury, long bodies, short heads and a bad temper.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Species dependant on locality. Most often alone, but a fearsome foe nonetheless. These wild animals are able to move about unheard and often unseen. Includes; Lions, Tigers, Jaguars and Leopards.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:




Snakes of a certain size can become deadly predators of even the most aware humanoids if caught alone. These large snakes wont seek out their next meal, they will sit, and wait, for as long as it takes.



Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:





Subtype (Name):



Native Plane:



Single or a pack. Wolves are dangerous foe to encounter if unprepared. They never attack if outnumbered, often led by a more savage Alpha Wolf. Slightly smaller than a human, grey fur, sharp teeth, keen senses.


The rise of the Elves-50000

Elfinihiar Creates the elves

The Rise of the Zariger Empire-4000

The Zariger expand aggressively outwards

Artwork of Terrainia

The kingdom page was last updated on the 1st Oct 23.
The Ra database entry was last updated on the 1st Oct 23.


Terrainia started off in 2004 as a single island for a role-playing game (using a well-known and popular third edition rule set). This island became wonderfully detailed, players would recognise who they were dealing with when suitable miniatures (made by another well-known table-top games company) were placed on the table. But eventually the players finished the campaign, and managed to slay the dragon, or so they thought.

So with the campaign over, but the desire to continue burning ever bright, further areas were designed and planned, and over the course of five long but enjoyable years the world grew exponentially. At its peak of these five years there were six regular groups, around forty players, two dungeon masters, and a world as large as Earth drawn up and with huge levels of detail.


While that is where Terrainia was born, now twenty-one years on and the development hasn’t stopped, we began to construct this website in 2010 as a resource for our players to use, then in 2020 (during the world wide pandemic) our founder took the opportunity to flesh out the world even more and add this to the website during which thoughts turned to sharing Terrainia with the rest of the world.

It was at this time that the founder began to commission artists, budgets were low, it took time to find the right artists with the right style, but over the next few years the main cast got made, the deities, the primary heroes and villains, then monsters. it was important for the founder that all artwork was theirs, monster design was theirs, and in turn game systems were theirs, we did not want to copy or reproduce existing systems

Along with the game world, contributors are writing novels and designing games, all set within Terrainia, at the time this page was last updated there is no less than seven different games/books in production, and soon will have link to these games/books for you to immerse yourselves within.

So that’s us, we hope you enjoy the site, if you want to give us some feedback why not .


After this first wave of games and books who knows? but one thing for sure is there is plenty of material and our aim will be to share this world with as many fantasy fans as possible.

CREDITS Info coming soon
TERMS OF USE Info coming soon
Illustrations, website & content © Terrainia 2025
Published by Altered Dimension

Any similarity to any game system or published content is coincidence.
Permission is granted for personal use only.