Zarak-Zine is part of one of the oldest nations of Terrainia, founded several millennia ago. When Abixlion corrupted the noble dwarf race and almost brought to extinction. All but a single clan of dwarves were turned to Zariger, led by the most powerful of warriors, the Zar. These warriors, guided by Abixlion, took their advanced knowledge gifted them by Theik, and twisted into machines of death and destruction. In a few short centuries they conquered the entire world, except the lone island of Dasima and the inhospitable north and south lands, but across the world humanity and many other races
The machines they built, along with the use of advanced weaponry, allowed them to keep an iron grip on the world for a millennia, but infighting gave opportunity to the oppressed people of many locations to rise up and cast the Zariger out, a reign of a thousand years ended in just a handful. The Zariger fled back to the mountains, but were fractured, over the next hundred years three dominant factions claimed a portion of the mountains, Zarak-Ziak is the smallest and adjacent to Azaken, so is suffering greatly.