In a time so long ago it predates the Zariger oppression, the elven race settled upon the frozen land now known commonly as the Frozen North. When the elves were summoned back to Dasima by their deity the elves in the north refused to do so. They refused to return because they had discovered an elemental node, and the elves dare not allow it to fall into the hands of the new born races, for the elves did not trust them to have the same level of appreciation of the world.
Elfinihiar passed on before the situation could be resolved, and so the elf nation split into multiple factions, and the northern elves took the name Neltani as reference to them being detached from the Elven race, and their need to freeze their hearts to the land they called home to be able to remain and protect the world they knew.
several millennia later the Neltani may have adapted the frozen tundra but they remain on mission, although with considerable resources now at their disposal. The humans soon reached the north and were well received by the Neltani, although they kept them at distance from their city, and the humans began to worship them as deities.